Thursday, April 28, 2016

The History of Lucifer (Satan) Part 2

So, I mentioned AstroPhysics!  But let's go slow for a moment and talk about explosives.  When scientists measure how powerful an explosive is...they measure it in a term called a "burn rate".  So, a material with a slow "burn rate" has low explosive effect...think of those black worms that they sell for the 4th of light the top and it unfurls into a black snake like figure.  Those items have a really low burn rate.  On the other hand the "burn rate" of gasoline is around 5000 meters per second!...and plastic explosives...8092 meters per second!  All explosives contain potential energy and when that energy is released the force behind that energy wants to travel really fast and anything in its way will be destroyed.

Around 15 billion years ago there was another type of explosion...scientists called it the Big Bang.  Suddenly from a single point the universe began to exist....and from that single point it has continued to travel really, really fast!  In fact since that one single event the universe has never stopped an unlimited "burn rate"!

As Christians we believe this event was caused by God and described in the Bible.

Genesis 1:1New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Think of it this way....God has unlimited power and if He caused something to would be like an explosion of unlimited potential would never stop expanding.

But now it's gonna get we need a Zen watch this video for a moment...NO REALLY....Watch it!

One of Albert Einsteins teachers, a man named Hermann Minkowski took some math done by another guy and improved upon the equations and came up with what is now known as Minkowski Space Time.  Generally, we always hear it shortened as "space time".  But what it means is that we live in a four dimensional world...a world governed by Length, Width, Depth and Time.  Furthermore, later physics scientists found that space time moves in waves.....remember earlier we said that the universe is expanding? is expanding much like waves in a pond.

This is a picture captured from the earlier Zen video I wanted you to watch...

What I specifically want you to notice here is that the ripples that are farthest away from the center are growing farther away from each other....This is also how "space time" what if?....this is an example of the "Big Bang"?...what if?...those ripples were moving away from each other at the speed of light...which is about 300 million meters per second!...what if?...because of infinite power those ripples were still expanding at the speed of light? I have proven that the universe is really, really big and has been getting bigger for about 15 billion what!

Now is when I get to blow your mind!  That 15 billion year time period is only perceived by the folks on the outer ripples of that wave.  Time is perceived differently from your perspective...from where you are viewing the events...If we are on the outer edges of the ripples...we perceive that about 15 billion years has passed.  But what about from the perspective of the center of the event that caused the ripples?  What about from God's perspective?  He caused the event...How much time has passed for God?....  7 Days!

From God's perspective....He just sat down to rest from His work.  From God's perspective He just started this whole thing 7 days ago!  From God's perspective the seventh day is almost over....which is why you hear the term "End of Days"!

This is what many Christians don't really understand and indeed it has only been in the last 10 years that some of this math has started to make sense.

These mathematical concepts are why science and the Bible actually do agree.  There is a place for dinosaurs and Neanderthal Man....and the Bible shows that Lucifer (Satan) ruled over them! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The History of Lucifer (Satan) Part 1

The things I am going to write here are derived from years of study in this particular field.  For me to have to prove every single thing I write would take volumes.

I can throw out this example:  1+1=2 You can take that on faith or you can go through the entire mathematical proof of why that is true. No really!  You can read the proof in the Principia Mathematica ...The link will take you to volume one of three volumes...the first volume is only 674 pages....So, you can get back to me in awhile...or just take it on faith that 1+1 actually does equal 2!

In this field concerning the study of Satan...I really have done the reading in very esoteric books and ferreted out knowledge from arcane libraries.  I have read the papers from professors in Theology and Archaeology and as we will discover...some papers from some physicists also.

I am going to start at the beginning with you and on the way we are gonna take some rabbit don't get lost and "Keep Up!"

So hmmm...the beginning.  When you think about it the very term itself implies the concept of "time".  Except we need to start before "time" became a thing....before the "Big Bang"....which was actually the beginning of "time".  So, let's call it "pre-time".

Before "time" existed....God existed.  It was during this "pre-time" that God created Heaven...then He created Angels and the other entities that exist in Heaven.  Remember, this is before God created the universe that we now live in!

When God created the Angels he created them to be and/or fill a specific rank in hierarchy.  It would be kind of like being born either a General or a Private in the Army.  And there were no promotions.  If you were created to be a General then you were always a General.  If you were created to be a Private then you were always a Private.  Additionally, you didn't aspire to be anything greater than what you were.  Angels were created for specific purposes and they were created to serve God's purposes.  It would be incorrect to say they were happy to serve...they were created without having the ability to choose...without a will.  So, serving God is just what they did...and they did it in "pre-time".

Now, I do need to amend the above paragraph slightly.  There was actually one angel at least who was created with the power of choice.  His name was Lucifer and we know that he was the type of angel called a Cherubim.  We also know that he was not the only Cherubim.  This is an artists imagination of how the scriptures describe what a Cherubim looks like:

Ezekiel 1:5-11New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Within it there were figures resembling four living beings. And this was their appearance: they had human form. Each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight and [a]their feet were like a calf’s hoof, and they gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides were human hands. As for the faces and wings of the four of them, their wings touched one another; their faces did not turn when they moved, each went straight forward. 10 As for the form of their faces, each had the face of a man; [b]all four had the face of a lion on the right and the face of a bull on the left, and [c]all four had the face of an eagle. 11 Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out above; each had two touching another being, and two covering their bodies.

Cherubim had specific duties.  The scriptures describe Lucifers job as "the annointed Cherub that covereth".  The scriptures never say what he covered and to guess would be just a one on Earth could know the answer.

We also know something else about Lucifers duties.  He reigned on Earth (after it was created) as the supreme being for a very long time.  But to discuss that we will need to delve into some AstroPhysics.