Friday, November 13, 2009

Does God say to speak in tongues?

That is absolutely positively what I was talking about when I had mentioned a long distance Bible study.

Which beings me to the first thing I wanted to talk to you about.

Travis and I were hanging out at his house about a week ago, and his dad and him began arguing about tongues. His dad was saying that he doesn't believe tongues or from God or the Holy Spirit and he didn't feel speaking of tongues was from God. That it had its place only once when everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit on the passover (or something to that effect).

Now I have been raised better than that, and the Holy Spirit kept me guarded at that time. I felt like I was told to not allow that topic to cause any confusion in my heart or head, and left not worrying about it. But when he asked me what I thought, I told him I spoke in tongues when I felt I needed to pray but didn't know what about. Or even when I had something on my heart I wanted an answer to I would speak in tongues til I had gotten peace or even an answer. But I didn't know what to say when he said "where in the bible does God say to speak in tongues?"

Anyways, I'm going to print your email off and read over more of it. Thanks Dad.


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