Saturday, January 16, 2010

Association and Thought Process

I'm not sure if I had the opportunity to tell you this, but this past
weekend Laura and I had th chance to attend one of our business
conferences put on by LTD. The conference was called twenty ten vision/
20X Vision. The premise was to provide people the opportunity to see
some of the things the leaders went through, and some of the things
they had achieved, to give the organization vision for the future......

Saturday, the leader that provides mentorship for most of the business
owners in KC hit the stage. His name is Paul. you might have heard
Laura or myself bring him up at some point. He's 27 and has been
retired since he graduated college. Anyways, he had brought up some
things about living, pursuing God's calling on your life, but broke it
down into a real simple acronym that made a ton of sense. He said when
you are doing what God had planned for you, you will have true JOY and
happiness in your life. And that JOY is broken down....
Jesus....he needs to be first and foremost
Some hits were mentioned after that but that was really what I took
out of that talk.
Focus on Jesus first, others, then yourself......
To me this means growing spirtualy and being focused on him.
So... What does it mean to be focused on him?? I ask myself....... To
me i think focusing on him means to

1. Be consumed in communication w/ him
2. And to actually put into action what he reveals to it
problem areas, or someone he wants you to befriend...just listen and

So I that talk had me deciding to kick up the notch on communication
with him, and putting into action what he shoots my way....

Next thought was when one of the diamonds hit the stage. His name is
Alan Leineinger. Sunday morning I can't say that I remember any
specific part of his talk, like I did when Paul spoke, but what i
received from his talk was important also. He had mentioned some of
the things he did when he retired 20 some odd years ago, and one of
the first things he did was DIVE head first into the word and even
bible college.

All the talks summed up to one serious question in my mind. Obviously
being able to discern when the Holy Spirit is speaking to us is really
important. And being able to speak in tongues when your spirit needs
has things to pray about can be a big deal.........but what do you
think are the most important tools a believer needs when living a
successfull life for the Lord???

What do you think are the most vital things for the believer to do?
What are the most necessary things for a believer to know?

I was thinking, it has been our knowledge from the beginning that I
was meant to be " a wise and mighty warrior of God, weilding the sword
of truth in love"

But how do I become the most wise and most mighty warrior he has in
mind for me???

At this point all I can say is
Give myself a big thumbs and say "stay in the word everday and keep in
good communication with your savior, YEAH!!!!!"
But that answer leaves me feeling like a hiker with backpack, geared
up for a long journey, but no compass and no direction.

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1 comment:

  1. Great stuff...I posted the stuff above before i knew that you had something in here...i'll get right on fact...and mom can attest to this...i made some notes in my phone last nite at church on things to write about and they are right along the lines of the questions you just posed!...pretty cool!
