Saturday, May 28, 2016

A History of Lucifer (Satan) Part 6

In the year 1209 at Oxford, England one of the Clerks (now known as students) of the college was involved in an accident which caused the death of a local townswomen.  He fled the scene of the accident which caused folks in the town to discover her.  They assumed foulplay and began a hunt for her "murderer".  They searched for the clerk at the home where he rented a room.  When they didn't find him they arrested and jailed the three other Clerks (students) they found in the home figuring they were accomplices somehow.  A few days later they were hanged for the crime.

These acts angered the Masters and the Clerks at the university (teachers and students) and they promptly left Oxford...most of them ending up in Cambridge, England where they set up shop again.  These were the middle ages.  This is the exact time in history where the stories of Robin Hood were given life.  

A couple of hundred years later King James VI believed that the decisions in government greatly affected universities and ruled that universities such as Cambridge should have a say in he created positions in Parliament to be filled by scholars from the universities.  Such positions were only given to the unique intellects of each age.  They are considered as the most prestigious academic posts in the world.

One of those highly esteemed men was the Reverend Henry Lucas who dedicated his life to government service and to the service of the poor and sick.  Over his life he amassed a personal wealth and donated over 4000 books to Cambridge University which in the middle ages was huge.  The reason that the middle ages are also called the Dark Ages is because no one owned books and no one could read them no one could read a Bible...and there was no reason to own what you couldn't read.  Reverend Lucas was unmarried and had no children so in his will he said that property should be purchased and the rents from that property should pay the salary of a Professor in Mathematics at is called the Lucasian Chair..and is highly regarded as the single most respected teaching position in the world.

Some gentlemen whose names you might be familiar with that have held that Chair over time are Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Stephen Hawking.  A name you might not be familiar with is Paul Dirac.  He did some of the early work in Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Theory and shared a Nobel Prize in 1933 with Erwin Schrödinger who didn't seem to like cats very much.  Paul Dirac was a man of whom Albert Einstein said..., "This balancing on the dizzying path between genius and madness is awful!"

Albert Einstein together with a Mathematical Physicist named 
Satyendra Nath Bose created the theories and the math that defined Quantum Mechanics.  It is Paul Dirac that took their work farther.  Have you heard of the "God Particle"?...or the Higgs-Boson?  Paul Dirac is credited for it's theory of existence which was recently just proven at CERN in Switzerland.

I felt it was important to give you some insight into the brains that have discovered and derived some of the knowledge that I am about to push in your direction.  As a teacher of mine said...It might leave you blinking your eyes at me like an east Texas toad in a west Texas hailstorm!

The scriptures say this:

Romans 1:20 (NASB)

20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

I have often said that science and the scriptures agree. I have also said that if you take a close look at the natural will be able to understand the spiritual. Which is exactly what this scripture written 2000 years ago says.

Over time, scientists have tried to understand how things work...and when they discover an undeniable proof of how nature works they call it a Law. One portion of these very basic laws are called the Laws of Thermodynamics. There are four of them in all but they are labeled as Zeroth, First, Second and Third. The First and Second laws were actually discovered first and a few years later someone discovered an even more basic law so it was called Zeroth. The Person who discovered the first two laws of thermodynamics was Lord Kelvin of Scotland. In his papers he proved that "cold" as a specific thing did not exist. That cold was in fact the absence of heat. In his papers he repeatedly stated the need for some type of measuring system to define the absence of heat....something better suited than our thermometers.

Later on that system of measurement was named the "Kelvin Scale". On that scale at the bottom is what is called Absolute Zero. It is the point at which everything stops. Even the movement of electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom stop.....and when that happens they condense and form something new....a new state of matter called a Bose-Einstein Condensate.

My point here is that we can learn spiritual things from what these scientists have discovered. The question has been asked: If God created Lucifer...and Lucifer became evil....doesn't it mean that God created evil? Doesn't it mean that God is responsible for the evil in the world? Doesn't it mean that God just created Lucifer to fail and become evil so he could be punished? And what about Adam and Eve?...God created them also and they became evil and full of sin...isn't God responsible for the evil in them?

So let me state these facts first....much like basic laws:

God is Uncreate (Has always existed, no begninning, no end)
God is All Powerful (Omnipotent)
God is All Knowing (Omniscient)
God is Everywhere (Omnipresent)
God is Love
God is Righteousness
God is Light
God is Trinity

Please notice that I am not describing Him by what He is not....but by what He is. There have been Catholic priests that over time have tried to put in words a description of the belief in God. Over time they have come up with a couple of Creeds but the one I find more truth in is this one written by Athanasius of Alexandria (Ath-an-az-e-ous) it is called the Athanasian Creed. I am going to print part of it here simply because it cyrstallizes the thoughts:

The Athanasian Creed (edited)
We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons; nor dividing the Essence.
For there is one Person of the Father; another of the Son; and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one; the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal.
Such as the Father is; such is the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost.
The Father uncreated; the Son uncreated; and the Holy Ghost uncreated. The Father unlimited; the Son unlimited; and the Holy Ghost unlimited. The Father eternal; the Son eternal; and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals; but one eternal.
As also there are not three uncreated; nor three infinites, but one uncreated; and one infinite.
So likewise the Father is Almighty; the Son Almighty; and the Holy Ghost Almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties; but one Almighty. So the Father is God; the Son is God; and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods; but one God.
So likewise the Father is Lord; the Son Lord; and the Holy Ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords; but one Lord.
The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone; not made, nor created; but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten; but proceeding.
So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity none is before, or after another; none is greater, or less than another. But the whole three Persons are coeternal, and coequal. So that in all things, as aforesaid; the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshipped. He therefore that will be saved, let him thus think of the Trinity.

Again, I have felt that I needed to take the long way around to get to this point so that your brain was prepared for what was to come. So now, let me be specific and to the point: Evil is the absence of Righteousness. Evil does not exist in and of is not a thing...just like cold is not a thing. But the absence of Righteousness can be perceived and we call that Evil. God did not create Lucifer or Man to become evil. But when they chose unrighteousness they became evil.

Understanding why God allowed free will and gave the power to choose is a valid question and will take some time to explain....but it is outside the parameters of this discussion of the History of Lucifer (Satan)...So we can take it up another time!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The History of Lucifer (Satan) Part 5

Lucifer has been banished to planet Hell (Earth) but within the Earth is the real Hell.  It is not a place that Lucifer would enjoy being.  Lucifer does not rule in Hell.  He does not have a throne there.  He is not torturing the dead.  Lucifer would not enjoy being there because it would only remind him that God had prepared the Lake of Fire for him and his angels.  Everything in the scriptures points to Lucifer being in the Earth either on land or in the air.  So also are the angels and demons with him.  In fact, when Jesus encountered a legion of demons in the man who lived amongst the tombs of the land of Gadera...They begged Jesus not to send them to the Abyss...which is another name for the Bottomless Pit...which if you remember is a prison for dead spirits.  I have said all this to point out that Lucifer never had, nor does he have any authority in Hell.  All authority proceeds from Father God.  It is the same with Death.  Lucifer never had, nor does he have any authority over Death.  That authority rested in Father God.

Approximately 6000 years ago after God had finished His business of making the Earth beautiful and habitable again...He did something that angels including Lucifer could not comprehend.  He created a male human and sometime after...a female human!  But the unexpected was that God gave them free will!  We do not know how long they lived in Eden...Some say it could have been millions of years!....I doubt it because one of Gods edicts to them was to be fruitful and multiply...and the record only tells of Adam and Eve being removed from one children are mentioned until after their sin.

Something else wondrous happened...God gave them authority over the Earth.  Do you remember the questions I asked of you in Part 2?  What is it that makes up the Earth?  Adam and Eve had been given the same authority that had been Lucifer's.  Please realize how special this is....They both shared authority....God didn't divide it between them...he gave both of them ALL of it.  It would be like two all powerful Kings ruling the same kingdom.

It seems weird to speculate how Lucifer felt about this...Does an angel have feelings?  Lucifer was created for purpose and function as were all angels...But now that sin had been found in seems clear that some type of emotion can be associated with him.  It is as if Lucifer has decided for himself what is good and what is bad or evil.

This paragraph is pure speculation on my part....there is nothing in the scriptures that even hints at this:  I have to wonder if during his time as ruler of the Earth....Did Lucifer taste the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?  He seems to exhibit all the outward evidence as having done so.

The account of what happened between Eve and the serpent and then Adam is told in Genesis and it would be redundant to repeat it here.  What isn't clear unless you read the rest of the scriptures is what transpired when both Adam and Eve tasted the fruit and sinned.

When they sinned...the scriptures are clear that sinners are the Children of Disobedience and as such are under the authority of Lucifer.  What had happened, was all that authority that Adam and Eve possessed was now under Lucifer's dominion!  He could not wield it himself because it was their authority...but he could influence them because he had authority over them.  When Jesus was tempted of the devil for 40 days in the wilderness the scriptures quote the devil:

Luke 4:5-8 (NASB)

And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.” Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.’”

Please realize that Jesus didn't correct the devil...they both knew that the authority had been handed over.  But there is also something hidden here.  Remember that Adam and fact all of mankind had become the children of disobedience....The devil was offering to give all of mankind back to Jesus...because it is mankind upon whom the authority rested.

Sooo, back to the Garden of Eden....Adam and Eve are hiding in the bushes when the Voice of the Lord comes walking in the garden.  A couple of noteworthy things take place....but within those first moments of Lucifer's apparent victory...The Voice of the Lord prophesy's Lucifer's ultimate defeat...Yes, God Himself gave the is called the Edenic Prophecy and is worth some study at another time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The History of Lucifer (Satan) Part 4

I believe at this point we need to understand Hell.  Because the next part of Lucifer's history plays out there...partly.  So, Hell is actually made up of several different parts but the larger name of Hell refers to them as a group. The parts are: Hell also known as Hades or Sheol, Paradise, the Bottomless Pit also known as Tartarus and the Lake of Fire also called Gehenna.  These are all real physical places within the Earth.  You wouldn't need some type of special glasses to see them or a special gifting from God to see in the spirit realm...they actually physically exist just like your home does.  But God has ordained that these places have very specific attributes....

But before I explain myself I want you to think along these lines.  The Tree of Life and The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil were real trees with real fruit that tasted good.  But these physical trees had supernatural effects.  So a physical thing can have a supernatural attribute and have supernatural effects!

Hell also called Hades or Sheol is not a prison for Lucifer or his angels or demons...they can move from that physical location to your home or city.  But it is a prison for the spirits of the dead who died not knowing Jesus as their personal Savior.  There is no moving in and out.

The dead cannot communicate with the living...period.  Necromancer's and Spirit Mediums who believe they are talking to the departed have been deceived...they are speaking with demons.  There has been one and only one instance where a dead man was permitted to speak with the living.  It was the Prophet Samuel.  But the Prophet was not held in the prison called Hell or Hades.  Samuel was in Paradise and the rules were different.

Paradise is a part of Hell that was reserved for the spirits of the dead who died as believers in God....Right up to the point that Jesus Rose from the dead.  The scriptures say He led captivity means that when Jesus Rose from the dead he brought with Him every single spirit who was captive in Paradise.  They died in their sins even though they believed in God.

Jesus had not yet made the sacrifice for all men's they died and went to hell because that is what sin deserves....but God...who already knew the end of the story...made a place for them to rest until the Messiah came and preached the good news of the Gospel to them....Yes, Jesus preached to them in Paradise.

The scriptures say that after Jesus rose from the dead there was a time when people saw and spoke with people whom they knew had already died.

Matthew 27:52-53 (NASB)

52 The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; 53 and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

So, Paradise is now empty and all those spirits are now in Heaven with Jesus.  It should also be said that those who have died in their sins cannot get to where Paradise is...The scriptures say that God put a great division between the two that cannot be crossed.

One other thing about Hell or Hades is that it is not a place of fire where demons are torturing you.  It is darkness....It is a total absence of is prison without hope and full of utter despair.  The reason that Hell is portrayed so often as firey is because people haven't taken the time to understand that The Lake of Fire also known as Gehenna is the only thing burning.  Currently, The Lake of Fire just has never been used.  It is a physical place that has a specific function.

The Lake of Fire was created to destroy eternal beings.  Angels were created to exist forever.  When God created man....Man was created to live forever.

Part of the problem in our understanding is that we don't properly comprehend death.  Man was created as a triune being in the image of God. Man has a body, a soul and a spirit.  When man sinned it brought death to the body and death to the soul and spirit.  But death is defined differently between the physical and spiritual realms.  We understand physical death...It means that our physical body no longer gets to enjoy God's presence or creation.  Our physical body doesn't enjoy light or air or green's capacity to experience these things has ceased due to sin.  But in the spiritual realm....the spirit who dies in their sin also loses the capacity to experience God...Spiritual death means being cut off from the presence of still exist....but in Hell...totally cut off from God..from light...from love...from hope....and that is how you exist eternally....up to the point of the Judgement where your fate is sealed forever by your decision here on Earth to believe or not believe.  On Judgement day God will throw those who did not believe in Jesus into The Lake of Fire....and the eternal spirit will cease to exit.....

Finally, there is the Bottomless Pit also called Tartarus. The Bottomless Pit is a prison for angels.  Currently, there are angels chained to the sides of this pit.  These are the angels that had sexual relations with human women and their offspring were called the Nephilim.... The giants of old.  I will talk more about these giants later and how they fit into the History of Lucifer.

At the point that we left Lucifer he had wanted to be like the most high which was a was rebellion against God...High Treason.  The scriptures say that the sin within Lucifer is like a fire within him...consuming him.  The scriptures tell how Lucifer was cast down to Earth.....An Earth that no longer had the presence of God....The entire Earth had become a type of Hell.  As a side note:  There is a movie, the last of the Exorcist movies done as a Prequel that try to say that the geographical location where Lucifer landed on the Earth is a cursed spot.... but no one truly is a moot point....But old Catholic Priests love to write theories about such things.

So, Lucifer... here on Earth....without the presence of God...existing in this realm... experiencing time from this perspective...How long?  Millions of years?  He no longer has any authority in this planet...God revoked Lucifer's authority and took it back.  The Earth which he used to rule over has become a type of Hell to him....and he wasn't alone....The angels under his authority were cast down with him....The beings under his authority were also with him.

Some of those beings had body's with souls and spirits....but they differed from Adam and Eve in that they were created much like angels....without choice....created to fulfill a specific function.  So when sin was found in Lucifer it affected everyone and everything under his authority.  Sin affected them just as sin affects us....Their bodies died and so did their souls and spirits....but hell was not reserved for them.  These beings still exist as dead spirits under Lucifer's authority....These are demons.  Demons are not angels

Angels can take a physical form...Demons cannot.  Demons have had a body and desire to experience a body again...Which is why demons try to posses a person's body.

Remember that Lucifer was cast down to Earth?  So also were the angels under his authority.  The beings under his authority were already here.....They were all here...all together....separated from God for ...millions of years??

We know that sin causes death...physically and spiritually....we know what death looks like physically....after a day or two you begin to rot and stink and decay....but what affect does sin have on a spirit over millions of years?

It is true that many people have had supernatural encounters...many have tried to draw what they have seen....It is the shapes of horror and the grotesque that are normally drawn...Sin's effect on spirit beings. ..unless Lucifer is trying to deceive in other ways.....Hello E.T.!

Monday, May 9, 2016

The History of Lucifer (Satan) Part 3

Angels are unique beings.  God created them to be able to exist in both a spiritual place, such as Heaven...and a physical place, such as Earth.  They are able to move between these physical and spiritual realms with ease and instantaneously.  But to bring back the concept of time for a moment...They are instantly able to move between our perspective of time...and God's perspective.

We need to appreciate just what an incredible feat that is.  From God's perspective...He just sat down to rest on the seventh day....from our perspective it's 15 billion years...yet an angel in the presence of God can be sent to a specific moment in time!

If you have been alive for 20 years then you have experienced 630,720,000 seconds!

But let's say God sent an angel to minister to you when you were six years old and you were saying a prayer before you went to bed.  It means that God looked out over 15 billion years and chose the exact moment from His single day perspective to send an angel to you.  It would be like shining a flashlight at a wall and then...between the flashlight and the choose a specific photon to interact with!

As amazing a feat as this might seem it is interesting to note that the scriptures say that God in His wisdom has delegated tasks to certain angels.  The book of Ezekial describes some angels that have the task of watching over time itself.  He tries to show how four angels which are Cherubim like Lucifer, have charge over time.  Ezekial speaks in a language called prophetic symbology trying to convey what he is seeing.  Ezekial describes these angels as interacting with a device called a "wheel within a wheel".  Think of it as a bicycle wheel...there is a hub with spokes going out to the wheel that hold the tire.  The hub itself is a circle...and the wheel itself is another is a circle within a circle.  So, almost 2600 years ago the Prophet Ezekial was trying to tell us a couple of things.  First, the inside circle represents the Eternal realm...Heaven...Where God is.  The outside circle represents time.

So, it is possible...if you exist within the inner circle to visit any point on the outer circle at your discretion.

Second, Ezekial showed us that time is linear because a circle is drawn with a single line that has a beginning and ending point.  God showed us through Ezekial that time will end....and Heaven will end!  The Prophet John who wrote the Book of Revelations told us the same thing in the second to the last chapter of his book.

Revelation 21 (NASB)

1: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away...

So, I have said all this to show that God takes some tasks very seriously and puts angels in charge as He did for time.  But He also put angels in charge of the wind.  He put an angel in charge of the way to the Garden of Eden.  He put an angel in charge of all those people that believed in God before Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.  And and angel in charge of all Christians...the Bride of Christ.  He puts angels in charge of churches...not that we would ever pray to them...but we know they are there!  (...and while we are at it the concept of the Guardian Angel is not scriptural.  You do not have a specific angel assigned to you.)

So, when God created Earth...the scriptures show that he put Lucifer in charge of it.  Lucifer was the ultimate ruler on this planet...all life on this planet was under his authority.  You really need to understand that this means because it comes up later.  This is a picture of the Earth from outer space...

So, these questions need to be asked: 

  1. Are the land masses you see part of the Earth?
  2. Is the water you see part of the Earth?
  3. Are the clouds you see part of the Earth?
  4. Is the wind that you can't see part of the Earth?
  5. Is the gravity that the Earth produces part of the Earth?
  6. Is the shifting of the tectonic plates that cause earthquakes part of the Earth?
  7. Are rain and thunder and lightning and tornados and hurricanes part of the Earth
  8. Are the electromagnetic forces within the Earth that cause the Northern Lights part of the Earth?
  9. Are all the fish and animals and snakes and bugs part of the Earth?
  10. Are all the plants and the dirt and the fungus and the bacteria part of the Earth?
All of these things are part of the Earth and Lucifer had complete authority over them.  He also had authority over the humanoid beings that populated the Earth.  Lucifer was also given a third of the angels under his authority.  We don't know how many that represents but the technical term is a bunch!

The scriptures demonstrate that there was a form of commerce that took place at that time.  We don't know any more than that..just some type of a financial activity.  But it wouldn't necessarily be recognizable to us as a financial transaction.

Lucifer was the absolute ruler over the Earth.  He had a throne!  There is nothing to show that he was worshiped in any way...all the angels under his authority knew God and we cannot even surmise concerning the knowledge of the pre homo-sapiens.

The scriptures say...and this is paraphrasing...that Lucifer got full of himself.  He saw how beautiful he was and how he seemed to be all powerful....and then he committed high treason.  This is what God showed to the Prophet Isaiah that Lucifer thought....yes...thought!

Isaiah 14:13-14 (KJV)

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

And suddenly...there was war.  It was a war great enough that God removed himself from this physical reality.

The angels are called the Sons of God...and one of Gods best angels whom He had bestowed great responsibility upon and showed great favor....had committed the unthinkable...he rebelled against God...he sinned.

The very first verse of the scriptures says this:

Genesis 1:1 (KJV)

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

But the very next verse says this...

Genesis 1:2 (KJV)

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

What happened?  This isn't the earth that Lucifer was in charge's a blob of nothingness full of darkness. Elsewhere in the scriptures it says:

1 John 1:5 (KJV)

5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Scientifically we know what happened.  They call it an "Extinction Level Event"....the Ice Age....As believers we believe God is Omniscient...that He knows everything.  We believe that Lucifer's rebellion didn't take God by surprise.  When god created the universe He knew that at an exact moment in time he would need a huge meteor to crash into the Earth and cause the Ice Age.  He knew that He would need to start over with the Earth.  So just because scientists have discovered a thing doesn't mean that God didn't cause a thing.  But there is an even more important thought here.

God knew about Lucifer's rebellion before Lucifer was ever created....but what God knows...and what God wills are two different things.

So then the question could be fairly asked If God knew in advance and God still created Lucifer....doesn't that mean that God created evil?  Gosh i'm glad you asked that question!  I promise to answer that question but probably not in the very next part.