We need to appreciate just what an incredible feat that is. From God's perspective...He just sat down to rest on the seventh day....from our perspective it's 15 billion years...yet an angel in the presence of God can be sent to a specific moment in time!
If you have been alive for 20 years then you have experienced 630,720,000 seconds!
But let's say God sent an angel to minister to you when you were six years old and you were saying a prayer before you went to bed. It means that God looked out over 15 billion years and chose the exact moment from His single day perspective to send an angel to you. It would be like shining a flashlight at a wall and then...between the flashlight and the wall...you choose a specific photon to interact with!
As amazing a feat as this might seem it is interesting to note that the scriptures say that God in His wisdom has delegated tasks to certain angels. The book of Ezekial describes some angels that have the task of watching over time itself. He tries to show how four angels which are Cherubim like Lucifer, have charge over time. Ezekial speaks in a language called prophetic symbology trying to convey what he is seeing. Ezekial describes these angels as interacting with a device called a "wheel within a wheel". Think of it as a bicycle wheel...there is a hub with spokes going out to the wheel that hold the tire. The hub itself is a circle...and the wheel itself is another circle....it is a circle within a circle. So, almost 2600 years ago the Prophet Ezekial was trying to tell us a couple of things. First, the inside circle represents the Eternal realm...Heaven...Where God is. The outside circle represents time.
So, it is possible...if you exist within the inner circle to visit any point on the outer circle at your discretion.
Second, Ezekial showed us that time is linear because a circle is drawn with a single line that has a beginning and ending point. God showed us through Ezekial that time will end....and Heaven will end! The Prophet John who wrote the Book of Revelations told us the same thing in the second to the last chapter of his book.
Revelation 21 (NASB)
1: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away...
So, I have said all this to show that God takes some tasks very seriously and puts angels in charge as He did for time. But He also put angels in charge of the wind. He put an angel in charge of the way to the Garden of Eden. He put an angel in charge of all those people that believed in God before Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. And and angel in charge of all Christians...the Bride of Christ. He puts angels in charge of churches...not that we would ever pray to them...but we know they are there! (...and while we are at it the concept of the Guardian Angel is not scriptural. You do not have a specific angel assigned to you.)
So, these questions need to be asked:
- Are the land masses you see part of the Earth?
- Is the water you see part of the Earth?
- Are the clouds you see part of the Earth?
- Is the wind that you can't see part of the Earth?
- Is the gravity that the Earth produces part of the Earth?
- Is the shifting of the tectonic plates that cause earthquakes part of the Earth?
- Are rain and thunder and lightning and tornados and hurricanes part of the Earth
- Are the electromagnetic forces within the Earth that cause the Northern Lights part of the Earth?
- Are all the fish and animals and snakes and bugs part of the Earth?
- Are all the plants and the dirt and the fungus and the bacteria part of the Earth?
The scriptures demonstrate that there was a form of commerce that took place at that time. We don't know any more than that..just some type of a financial activity. But it wouldn't necessarily be recognizable to us as a financial transaction.
Lucifer was the absolute ruler over the Earth. He had a throne! There is nothing to show that he was worshiped in any way...all the angels under his authority knew God and we cannot even surmise concerning the knowledge of the pre homo-sapiens.
The scriptures say...and this is paraphrasing...that Lucifer got full of himself. He saw how beautiful he was and how he seemed to be all powerful....and then he committed high treason. This is what God showed to the Prophet Isaiah that Lucifer thought....yes...thought!
Isaiah 14:13-14 (KJV)
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
And suddenly...there was war. It was a war great enough that God removed himself from this physical reality.
The angels are called the Sons of God...and one of Gods best angels whom He had bestowed great responsibility upon and showed great favor....had committed the unthinkable...he rebelled against God...he sinned.
The very first verse of the scriptures says this:
Genesis 1:1 (KJV)
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
But the very next verse says this...
Genesis 1:2 (KJV)
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
What happened? This isn't the earth that Lucifer was in charge of...it's a blob of nothingness full of darkness. Elsewhere in the scriptures it says:
1 John 1:5 (KJV)
5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
Scientifically we know what happened. They call it an "Extinction Level Event"....the Ice Age....As believers we believe God is Omniscient...that He knows everything. We believe that Lucifer's rebellion didn't take God by surprise. When god created the universe He knew that at an exact moment in time he would need a huge meteor to crash into the Earth and cause the Ice Age. He knew that He would need to start over with the Earth. So just because scientists have discovered a thing doesn't mean that God didn't cause a thing. But there is an even more important thought here.
God knew about Lucifer's rebellion before Lucifer was ever created....but what God knows...and what God wills are two different things.
So then the question could be fairly asked If God knew in advance and God still created Lucifer....doesn't that mean that God created evil? Gosh i'm glad you asked that question! I promise to answer that question but probably not in the very next part.
Totally awesome although I'm not sure I like this whole thing about there not being guardian angels... have to think on that. Also I love the cliffhanger