Thursday, May 19, 2016

The History of Lucifer (Satan) Part 5

Lucifer has been banished to planet Hell (Earth) but within the Earth is the real Hell.  It is not a place that Lucifer would enjoy being.  Lucifer does not rule in Hell.  He does not have a throne there.  He is not torturing the dead.  Lucifer would not enjoy being there because it would only remind him that God had prepared the Lake of Fire for him and his angels.  Everything in the scriptures points to Lucifer being in the Earth either on land or in the air.  So also are the angels and demons with him.  In fact, when Jesus encountered a legion of demons in the man who lived amongst the tombs of the land of Gadera...They begged Jesus not to send them to the Abyss...which is another name for the Bottomless Pit...which if you remember is a prison for dead spirits.  I have said all this to point out that Lucifer never had, nor does he have any authority in Hell.  All authority proceeds from Father God.  It is the same with Death.  Lucifer never had, nor does he have any authority over Death.  That authority rested in Father God.

Approximately 6000 years ago after God had finished His business of making the Earth beautiful and habitable again...He did something that angels including Lucifer could not comprehend.  He created a male human and sometime after...a female human!  But the unexpected was that God gave them free will!  We do not know how long they lived in Eden...Some say it could have been millions of years!....I doubt it because one of Gods edicts to them was to be fruitful and multiply...and the record only tells of Adam and Eve being removed from one children are mentioned until after their sin.

Something else wondrous happened...God gave them authority over the Earth.  Do you remember the questions I asked of you in Part 2?  What is it that makes up the Earth?  Adam and Eve had been given the same authority that had been Lucifer's.  Please realize how special this is....They both shared authority....God didn't divide it between them...he gave both of them ALL of it.  It would be like two all powerful Kings ruling the same kingdom.

It seems weird to speculate how Lucifer felt about this...Does an angel have feelings?  Lucifer was created for purpose and function as were all angels...But now that sin had been found in seems clear that some type of emotion can be associated with him.  It is as if Lucifer has decided for himself what is good and what is bad or evil.

This paragraph is pure speculation on my part....there is nothing in the scriptures that even hints at this:  I have to wonder if during his time as ruler of the Earth....Did Lucifer taste the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?  He seems to exhibit all the outward evidence as having done so.

The account of what happened between Eve and the serpent and then Adam is told in Genesis and it would be redundant to repeat it here.  What isn't clear unless you read the rest of the scriptures is what transpired when both Adam and Eve tasted the fruit and sinned.

When they sinned...the scriptures are clear that sinners are the Children of Disobedience and as such are under the authority of Lucifer.  What had happened, was all that authority that Adam and Eve possessed was now under Lucifer's dominion!  He could not wield it himself because it was their authority...but he could influence them because he had authority over them.  When Jesus was tempted of the devil for 40 days in the wilderness the scriptures quote the devil:

Luke 4:5-8 (NASB)

And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.” Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.’”

Please realize that Jesus didn't correct the devil...they both knew that the authority had been handed over.  But there is also something hidden here.  Remember that Adam and fact all of mankind had become the children of disobedience....The devil was offering to give all of mankind back to Jesus...because it is mankind upon whom the authority rested.

Sooo, back to the Garden of Eden....Adam and Eve are hiding in the bushes when the Voice of the Lord comes walking in the garden.  A couple of noteworthy things take place....but within those first moments of Lucifer's apparent victory...The Voice of the Lord prophesy's Lucifer's ultimate defeat...Yes, God Himself gave the is called the Edenic Prophecy and is worth some study at another time.

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